
Hi friends. My name is Loren Miche, a girl who has a passion for nutrition, holistic healing, fitness and overall wellness. Enjoy!

What wellness is to me

What wellness is to me

Wellness: We have all heard of it but how do we define it?

Most of them time we see people online showing “wellness” as something unattainable for most: adaptogenic lattes, fancy mushroom drinks, expensive spin cycle classes, $500 matcha lattes made with gold (LOL okay maybe thats over the top), 10000 supplements that “help” with wellness. You get my point, that version of wellness is all fine and great, you do you (I mean adaptogenic lattes are good IMO), but wellness is attainable to ALL. It doesn’t have to be over the top health guru drinking gold dust lattes at 5am…. Its simple to me.

Wellness is defined as: the state of being in good health. Which is what I strive for every single day.

I’m on this everyday mission to be a better version of myself, to stay healthy inside and out. Mentally, physically, emotionally.

Wellness is BALANCE: being balanced in life is the key, you can’t obsess over these crazy health trends we see change DAILY. Live life with intention and balance your bad days with good days. Balance the bad foods with the good food. Find your version of balance and stand by it.

Wellness is eating REAL FOOD: eating real food with real ingredients is my version of wellness. I feel good eating real ingredients, my body loves it. Regardless of all the crazy food trends, wellness products and new found adaptogens… I always lean towards what I know will never go out of style REAL FOOD. It makes me feel well and whole and I know exactly whats going in me.

Wellness is LISTENING TO MY BODY: surprise, I haven’t always been one to listen to my body. Nope, I went through a time in my life where I was eating horrible and not moving my body like I should and my body HATED ME. I didn’t feel well mentally or physically. Not until I listened to all the signs my body was yelling at me: Eat cleaner, move your body (how ever it says that day…yoga or weights), give yourself some respect and self love! Now I listen to my body, Move when it says move, eat clean foods that I enjoy, show myself some respect by talking positively about myself, sleeping when it says sleep (so important!).

Wellness is FINDING YOUR INNER PEACE: it’s a journey that never ends. Finding myself, my hobbies, my likes, my dislikes, taking the time to assess who I am helps me. I don’t live to impress anyone, I live how I truly love to live. I haven’t always had inner peace, Iv’e gone through tough times just like anyone else full of self-hate and anxiety. We all do it from time to time, but finding inner peace and love to yourself is the key to being well and whole. Everyone finds inner peace differently and it’s a journey. Im happy to say i’m in a place in my life that is simplistic and calm and happy.

Wellness is LIVING SIMPLY: when I started living a more simple life: not buying what I don’t need, being more minimal, being conscious about what I buy and wear, becoming more eco-friendly, living a lower waste lifestyle…this all contributes to my mental and physical wellness. It makes me feel good and free!

Wellness is a journey: It doesn’t have to be confusing and expensive. Wellness is when you feel good and confident in life. Whatever that means to YOU.


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Punch needle basics: what you need

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