
Hi friends. My name is Loren Miche, a girl who has a passion for nutrition, holistic healing, fitness and overall wellness. Enjoy!

Things I wish I knew before starting my fitness journey

Things I wish I knew before starting my fitness journey

Hi guys!

As most of you guys know fitness and yoga has been a huge part of my life for the past 9 years, and before that was dance, i’ve always been moving my body and staying active. Health of the body and mind is super important to me for so many reasons and it should be important to you as well! I know people that try to get into fitness or go to a gym are intimidated, I know I was when I first stepped foot in a gym because I had no guidance, I just learned as I went. So, I want to tell you guys some things I wish I knew before starting my journey to getting fit and healthy.

  • Do not compare your journey to others. Your journey is personal and every body is different! What one person has may not be what you have and THATS OKAY. 

  • start slow. Don’t try and go 100000% fitness and nutrition if you have never done it before. Sure some people can do it  100000% but most people try and go all out then fail because they get burnt out. Don’t feel the need to be perfect all the time. 

  • make working out a habit. Going to the gym once in a blue moon is great, but to see results you need to just make it a habit. Once you get into the habit you don’t even think about it and you just go with the flow! 

  • learn proper form!!! I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! Don’t go into the gym just doing whatever. Take time to research and teach yourself proper form. And if you don’t know, ASK. Don’t be scared to ask someone for help, no one is judging you. 

  • do not ego lift. This drives me NUTS, there’s always one person in the gym that’s trying to out lift everyone... they have bad form, they’re at high risk for injury. All for what? Just to be recognized? NO THANK YOU. Stay in your lane, lift only what feels comfortable to you don’t get yourself in risk of injury please! 

  • Listen to your body, if it’s telling you NO to a certain workout and you absolutely cannot do it. DON’T. If your body wants rest then rest, but don’t get into the lazy habit of resting just because. Give yourself room to rest and room to go hard in the gym! 

  • Get your nutrition on point. Really, if you have a goal of weight loss or weight gain whatever it may be nutrition is SOOOO IMPORTANT. Eat real food, eat a whole food diet, meaning clean food, artificial stuff to a minimum. Don’t just go cold turkey but again....start slow. It’s all about balance, but when you have a serious goal GET SERIOUS IN THE KITCHEN. It all starts there! 

I can go on and on and on. 

Remember this journey is supposed to be fun! BALANCE IS KEY! Keep a healthy balance between real food/ fitness and actually living and not being scared to eat or worrying about your workouts. One thing I wish I did when starting off is ask for help when I needed it and not let me ego take over. I have such an awesome balance now of eating clean/treating myself, working out hard as heck but also listening to my body when it’s screaming at me. Make fitness and health a lifestyle! 

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