
Hi friends. My name is Loren Miche, a girl who has a passion for nutrition, holistic healing, fitness and overall wellness. Enjoy!



What is self-care? Well, it’s any activity that reduces stress, chills you the f out and makes you happy. What is wellness? The state of being in good health; mind, body and spirit. I think these go hand in hand. Most people these days don’t know how to set time aside for them selfs. Whether it be busy work days, having children, zero time for yourself. There should be no excuse not to care about your own wellness and wellbeing. I’m going to share with you guys some of my favorite ways to love myself and care for my over all wellness. (Which I need to do more often) 



  1. GIVE YOURSELF A SPA NIGHT! This is one of my favorite ways to care for myself, I bust out my favorite skin care products, run a nice warm bath, bring out the lavender Epsom salts and bath oils and just chill. When I get out of that bath I feel like a brand new, super relaxed woman. 
  2. GET MOVING! Any kind of physical activity will help you release some endorphins, which makes ya happy! Go lift some weights, do yoga, go for a run or walk, hike, ride bikes, skydive. Whatever the heck you want to do, just get that blood pumping. 
  3. GET IN THE SUN! Just get outdoors. There’s so many outdoor activities, my favorites are: farmers markets, walking trails, sitting by the water, and  going to the beach. Sunshine makes me the happiest human ever. 
  4. GET UP EARLIER. I don’t know about you guys but I have a tough time getting up in the mornings, BUT when I do I feel amazing! Get a little morning routine going, don’t get on your phone first thing in the morning just let yourself be. 
  5. The most simple self care tip ever: BREATH. Feeling stressed? Take a deep breath in through the nose for 5 counts and out through the mouth for 5 counts. I always come back to this when I feel super overwhelmed or nervous. You can do it and no one even notices. 
  6. STOP OVERTHINKING. I am the biggest culprit of overthinking e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, it’s hard but when you stop over thinking stress melts away. 
  7. Learn to say NO. I used to be a person that would say yes to everything and go along with anything my friends were doing. That’s not the case now. If you don’t feel like going along with something or do someone a favor whatever it may be, you can say NO. Set yourself personal boundaries and don’t go past them if you don’t feel comfortable. Don’t commit time you don’t actually have. In the end you’ll have more time for yourself, more one to give yourself the lovin’ you deserve! 
  8. TREAT YO SELF! Treat yourself every once in a while to whatever the heck you want. (Mines dairy free chocolate ice cream, yaasss) 
  9. MEDITATE/DO YOGA. Yoga has always helped me, it’s been there for me through some of my toughest times. It chills me out, keeps my mind at ease and helps my over all wellness. 
  10. BE STILL. Really take in the wind sounds, birds chirping, sun shining, or complete silence. We are always over stimulated, being on our phones, watching tv etc... just embrace the stillness, it’s calming and meditative. 


This list could go on and on and on. Self care is personalized, do whatever makes YOU happy. These are some things that make my mind, body and soul jump for joy. 

Low-Waste Skincare

Low-Waste Skincare

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New and improved blog!//12 Facts About Me